The Lady's Selection: Niina and Kurumi's Sensual Breath Exchange
  • Episode 48: Brave New World
    Tuesday 6th of September 2016

The Lady's Selection: Niina and Kurumi's Sensual Breath Exchange

Enter the world of Niina, the demanding woman who carefully chooses her girls. In this exclusive encounter, Kurumi has the privilege of being chosen to enjoy a tantalizing exchange of breath with Niina, savoring the wet sensation of their intertwined tongues. Witness the passionate excitement that ignites between these two lesbians as they explore their desires together. Are you ready to witness the intensity of their sensual union? La Seleccion de Niina: Entra en el mundo de Niina, la mujer exigente que elige cuidadosamente a sus chicas. En este encuentro exclusivo, Kurumi tiene el privilegio de ser elegida para disfrutar de un tentador intercambio de aliento con Niina, saboreando la sensacion humeda de sus lenguas entrelazadas. Sea testigo de la excitacion apasionada que se enciende entre estas dos lesbianas mientras exploran juntas sus deseos. Estas listo para presenciar la intensidad de su union sensual?

