Some Cocks Too Big for Her Tiny Hands
  • Episode 48: Brave New World
    Tuesday 6th of September 2016

Some Cocks Too Big for Her Tiny Hands

There's no getting around it; smart girls are sexy, and nobody gives off that hot bookworm vibe quite like Ms. Saya Song. However, no matter how smokin' she may be, she still is in that club of people who have a hard time pronouncing the word "anonymity." You're not the only one, Saya. 29-year-old, Korean-born Saya will be getting off on that anonymity by sucking off A DOZEN ANONYMOUS COCKS today. Not only does she radiate a natural hotness, but it was literally super hot in the booth today because the air conditioning was broken! Saya soldiered through her line of dicks until the A.C. was eventually fixed by the end. To show her appreciation, she even blew the maintenance man and made him today's lucky gloryhole guy #12! What a great way to show her gratitude. Somehow he never even sent us a bill. Thanks, Saya. We owe you one. Anyway, this is Saya's FIRST TIME in a formal gloryhole. She has only blown a mere seven dicks in one sitting before today...

