Ikumi Kuroki's Breath of Surprise: a Sensory Experience
  • Episode 48: Brave New World
    Tuesday 6th of September 2016

Ikumi Kuroki's Breath of Surprise: a Sensory Experience

Prepare to be amazed as Ikumi Kuroki awaits your approach, ready to unleash a surprising display of her potent breath. Despite her undeniable beauty, Ikumi possesses a mouth that will leave you stunned with its intense odor. With anticipation building, brace yourself as Ikumi opens her mouth, releasing a strong breath that will leave you frozen in astonishment. Take a deep breath and immerse yourself in this unique sensory experience, as Ikumi's powerful bad breath takes center stage. El Aliento Sorpresa de Ikumi Kuroki: Preparate para sorprenderte mientras Ikumi Kuroki espera tu llegada, lista para desatar una sorprendente demostracion de su potente aliento. A pesar de su innegable belleza, Ikumi posee una boca que te dejara atonito con su intenso olor. Con la anticipacion en aumento, preparate mientras Ikumi abre la boca, liberando un fuerte suspiro que te dejara congelado de asombro.

