Exploring Mio Shinozaki's Elegant Nose
  • Episode 48: Brave New World
    Tuesday 6th of September 2016

Exploring Mio Shinozaki's Elegant Nose

Let's take a subjective look at Mio Shinozaki's tall and beautiful nose. After showing off her proud nose, she uses a nose hook to show off her nostrils. With your nostrils dilated, the action begins with sneezing and snot coming out of your nose! The crystal snot squeezed between tears is so beautiful. Explorando la elegante nariz de Mio Shinozaki: Echemos un vistazo subjetivo a la alta y hermosa nariz de Mio Shinozaki. Despues de mostrar su orgullosa nariz, usa un gancho para la nariz para mostrar sus fosas nasales. Con las fosas nasales dilatadas, la accion comienza con estornudos y mocos saliendo de la nariz! Los mocos de cristal apretados entre lagrimas son tan hermosos.

