Cooki using a dick instead of a tothbrush
This afternoon I had a sweet tooth so I ventured to the day market off Soi Buakhao to find me some Thai sugar desserts. When I parked my motorbike, a young girl had just gotten off her scooter and quickly caught my eye. My sweet tooth was immediately interrupted by the new urge for pussy. So like the typical manwhore that I am, I followed this young girl into the stalls to see if I could talk to her. When she stopped in front of the makeup tent, I went over to introduce myself. She smiled and told me her name was Cookie. I may get some sugar after all, I thought to myself. I asked Cookie if I could buy her makeup and accessories for her because I know girls love free items and usually their acceptance is a sign that her body might also be for sale. After the purchase, I walked around with Cookie making small talk until I finally asked if she wanted to fuck me. When she answered "yes" we sped off on our motorbikes back to my room.