Alice Tukishima Comes to Visit for Her First Porn Shoot as an Adult Video Star
  • Episode 48: Brave New World
    Tuesday 6th of September 2016

Alice Tukishima Comes to Visit for Her First Porn Shoot as an Adult Video Star

Alice Tukishima is our newest Japanese amateur that wants to venture into the world of online porn videos. She has decided to try her hand at becoming an adult porn video star. She is just nineteen years old. She has a lovely personality and is very charming. She explained to us that she loves reading and that in a novel she was reading recently the protagonist is an adult porn star. She found reading about her life as an adult porn star very interesting and she thought it would be interesting to try. She then happened to see our online ad looking for hot young ladies wanting to give the adult industry a try and she contacted us. She is a single girl, has only had one lover and enjoys masturbating at home when she is alone. We are very excited about this new young lady as she seems open to trying about anything and since she is willing and we have the time and the cameras set up, we might as well get right into it. We start off slowly with some light kissing.

